Dr. Trevor Born: Effective Minimalism
Cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Trevor Born talks about his clinic, TMB Cosmetic Surgery, beauty and following in his father’s footsteps.
Q: What prompted you to become a cosmetic plastic surgeon?
A: My father, Dr. Gunther Born, was also a plastic surgeon. He founded the first burn unit in Canada and continues to be a great inspiration to me, so it was only natural that I followed in his footsteps. I’ve also always had an appreciation for classical art, and I think that greatly informed my decision to become a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery isn’t just about the technical; it requires an understanding of beauty and esthetics. That artistic aspect of the field appealed to me.
Q: What should a consultation patient expect when visiting your office for the first time?
A: My approach is to ensure that every patient looks and feels beautiful. I believe my patients would say that I personalize my approach for every patient — there isn’t a “one size fits all.” Every patient is different, and, as such, every consultation is unique. Each consultation has two objectives: a) to provide a level of detail and expertise that goes above and beyond and b) to ensure they feel fully informed and educated about the procedure(s) they are interested in.
Q: What would you consider to be your expertise within cosmetic plastic surgery?
A: The esthetic I am known for is subtle. It’s natural but noticeable. Patients come to me when they want to see a significant change in their appearance, but don’t necessarily want to be called out for “having work done.” A friend once referred to my approach as “effective minimalism.” In terms of my specialties, I would say facelifting, combined with fat grafting, is something I have really homed in on. I call it the “3D” approach. Facelifts of the past focused only on lifting and tightening, which can result in an overly pulled or tight look that lacks dimension. With fat grafting, I am literally “sculpting” the face to achieve a more natural result.
Q: Do you believe that beauty comes from within?
A: Absolutely, and wellness is such a large part of beauty. Healthy people generally look, and feel, more beautiful. If a person looks in the mirror and isn’t happy with the way they look, that will affect their overall health. I think beauty is holistic, which is why my practice really focuses on helping patients achieve inner and outer wellness.
Q: What do you love most about the work that you do?
A: Our patients make it all worthwhile. I love seeing them transform, not just physically but emotionally. Being a part of that process is an honour and very rewarding.
Q: What does la dolce vita, the sweet life, mean to you?
A: Living in the moment and enjoying the things that bring happiness.
Interview by Estelle Zentil